Get Involved At Souris Valley Museum


Save Our Locomotive! 

The Museum’s Locomotive urgently requires repair, needing a fresh paint job to regain its former glory. The fundraising goal is $35,000.00 for this project.

History of the Locomotive

  • The ALCO Locomotive was built in 1944 and purchased by Western Dominion Collieries in Taylorton, SK in 1946
  • Transferred to Costello Mine (Bienfait, SK) in 1960
  • In service until 1993
  • Donated to the SVM in the year 2000

Here’s how you can donate

The Souris Valley Museum is accepting donations for our locomotive restoration project through the following methods:
E-Transfers can be sent to Please add “Locomotive” in the comments.

A charitable tax receipt is available for all donations over $20.

Support The Museum

Become Friends of the Museum by purchasing a membership to the Souris Valley Museum.

Membership Prices:

  • Individual Membership – $20.00
  • Couples Membership – $30.00
  • Family Membership – $35.00
  • Corporate/Business Membership – $100.00

Other Ways To Support The Museum

The Souris Valley Museum is a charitable institution and will provide a tax receipt (minimum $25.00) for those who support the Museum financially.

Donation Categories:

  • Contributor – $100.00-$299.00
  • Sponsor – $300.00-$499.00
  • Benefactor – $800.00-$999.00
  • Patron – $1,000.00+

Sponsorship Opportunities

The Souris Valley Museum is always seeking sponsorships to help preserve the legacy of Southeast Saskatchewan’s history. The Museum has two sponsorship packages available for business to help support the Museum.

For volunteer opportunities please contact or 306.634.5543.


The Souris Valley Museum is always seeking motivated individuals, of all ages, to help with the Museum operations and special events. If you have an interest in preserving and promoting local history, the Souris Valley Museum is an excellent place to volunteer your time.


Access To Local History

Volunteering at the Museum gives you more direct access to local history.


Give Back To The Community

Volunteer work helps the Museum to develop and grow, while giving back to the community.


Have Fun

Volunteering provides a fun opportunity through which you can develop new skills and gain new experiences


Meet New People

Volunteering is a great way to get to know new people and become active within your community.


Résumé Building Opportunity

Volunteering at a museum is a great and valuable, starting point in museum. Heritage, education and programming.


Complete High School Volunteer Hours

High School Volunteers – helps students towards their mandatory volunteer hours.